Publication Selection

Let your customers choose what information they want to receive from you with the Publication Selection feature. This feature works within a form that can be added to your subscribe and unsubscribe process. Now give your customers a choice to receive only your sales and promotions, email newsletters or all of your communications. You can also reduce your overall email unsubscribe rate by allowing your customers to indicate their preferences and which publications they would like to receive.

Data Source Tagging

Name your sources and tag your customers with where they originated. Data Source tagging allows you to segment your contact database to create targeted email marketing lists and report on how they are performing. Say you attend a number of Trade Shows in a year. Now you can tag your new contacts with which show list they were imported form, market to them uniquely and report on revenue generated. The options are endless and can be customized to fit your business.

Folder Management

Keep your emails marketing campaigns organized with the use of folder management. You can create and name folders whatever you like and ensure all of the emails associated with a particular campaign or workflow stay together. Duplicating a successful email marketing campaign or finding one just got easier.

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