Social media marketing is an important part of any online marketing campaign. Done well, it can provide an excellent return on your marketing investment, as the cost of entry is low - often merely the time you invest yourself - and the potential return in visibility and consumer engagement is high.

But the great power of social media, beyond the vast numbers of users currently active on social media sites, is the exciting opportunity it presents for marketers and business owners to interact with consumers on a personal level. Social media is a window through which you can have a conversation with a customer virtually anywhere in the world.

Adding social media buttons to your pbSmart™ Codes mobile page

When designing the mobile page for your pbSmart Codes QR code campaign, you'll see that you can add six different kinds of buttons to your mobile page. The first three are for your company website, phone number and email address. The remaining buttons are for social media channels: YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

  • YouTube - If you've produced video content for your business, commercials, product demos or other relevant material, you should have a YouTube channel. This button will take a user directly to one of your videos from your mobile page.
  • Twitter - Twitter is a simple and effective way to keep customers up-to-date on what's going on with your business, including changes to services, special promotions, and new products. It's also a very convenient way for customers to get in touch with you if they have a question. This button takes the customer to your Twitter page.
  • Facebook - This button takes the customer to your Facebook page. A Facebook page is another social media must-have for your business. It's like a virtual storefront in an established community - it's a great place to not only post information about your business in text, photos or video format, but you can also engage with customers personally, one-on-one or in group discussions.

How much is too much?

While all of these social media channels have obvious benefits, you should be selective about what you put on your mobile page, because space is limited, and consumer's attention spans are short. Stick with the channels that have the most relevant content. You can insert the buttons in any order you like, so keep the customer's path to purchase in mind. What do you want them to do first?

Don't forget, if you don't currently have a presence on one (or any) of these social media sites, you can always go back and revise your mobile page once you do.

What Next?

Look into using QR codes to drive engagement through social media.

Add social media buttons to an existing mobile page or start a new campaign at

Learn about all the different ways Pitney Bowes can help you communicate better with your customers.

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