pbSmart Codes is a QR code marketing solution that helps you promote and grow your small business. This tutorial will show you how easy it is to get started with QR code marketing. Just follow these 5 simple steps:

1.       Select Your Pricing Plan

Visit http://www.pbsmartcodes.com/ and click the Plans & Pricing tab. You'll find several options, including our FREE Basic version. Select GET IT FREE if you want to try the FREE Basic version or BUY NOW if you want the Standard or Professional plan. If you would like to sign up for the Enterprise plan, call us at 1-800-822-0996, and we'll design a plan to meet your needs.

If you choose the FREE Basic version, you can Sign In with your existing PB.com ID or create a new account by clicking the Get it Free link in the Plans & Pricing tab.

If you choose the Standard or Professional plan, click BUY NOW and complete the registration page.

2.       Explore the pbSmartTM Codes Website

After you've signed into pbSmart Codes, you'll be taken to the product homepage and will see the following tabs:

  • The Create New Campaign tab allows you to design your printed media, combine it with your mobile marketing page and launch your QR marketing.
  • The My Campaigns tab shows you a list of your campaigns and allows you to make edits.
  • The Reporting & Analytics tab lets you view the performance of your QR campaigns.
  • The My Profile tab allows you to add or change your shipping and billing address.
  • The Learning Center tab provides you with all you need to know about QR code marketing and how to use pbSmart Codes. You can find webinars, easy-to-follow how-to articles and videos, and answers to frequently asked questions.

3.       Create a New Campaign

Creating a new campaign is the first step in leveraging the marketing power of QR codes. Think about what you want to accomplish, the message you want to convey and how you want to communicate it. pbSmart Codes offers several media types for your campaigns including Downloadable QR Codes, Posters, Yard Signs and Flyers.

4.       Customize Your Design

Start by selecting the category (e.g. food, education or banking) that best meets your needs and then use your <Prev and Next> buttons to view all of the templates in your selected category.

Edit your text by entering a Headline and any Supporting Text you need to convey your message. You'll also need to enter a Call-to-Action, which acts as a focused, specific appeal that gives your customer an incentive to scan the QR code. Templates also allow you to upload an image and/or a logo.

5.       Design the Mobile Page

When you are happy with your design, you'll be ready to create the mobile page that your audience will see when they scan the QR code. You can choose one of three campaign types: Coupons, Events or Information. You'll also be prompted to choose a theme and enter your text.

Smart Option: You can help customers engage with you by embedding buttons with links to YouTube videos, your Twitter or Facebook account, a URL, a phone number or an email address. You can also capture new leads by email and offer customers coupons.

When you're done editing your mobile page, you're ready to check out. Your mobile page will become active once you place your order. You can come back to your mobile page at any time while the campaign is live to make edits.

If you need more information, you can always visit the Learning Center or call or email one of our small business experts.

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