Risk Exposure Management
Manage risk for improved underwriting and policy pricing

Reduce PML exposure for greater profitability

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Insurance carriers need an improved understanding of risk to manage their exposure

Better understand risk factors

Superstorm Sandy increased the need for location intelligence and decision support.
PropertyCasualty 360
The ability to identify, assess and manage risk is often indicative of an organization’s ability to respond and adapt to change.
Unable to depend on investment income, carriers have been playing closer attention to underwriting and raising prices for coverage accordingly.
Deloitte Center for Financial Services

Better understand real-time PML from all disasters

Volatility in weather patterns increases potential for claims losses and reduced profits.
Ernst & Young
Insured value of properties in coastal U.S. counties is now greater than $10.64 trillion.
AIR Worldwide Corp.
Meteorologist predict more active hurricane seasons over the next few years.

Improve risk assessments and policy pricing

Financial and economic upheavel has produced volatile investment returns and price-sensitive customers.
Strategy Meets Action (SMA)
Difficulty in measuring the company’s current exposure to catastrophes threatens profitability, financial viability, and customer retention.
American Academy of Actuaries
Insurers are faced with the on-going inability to accurately forecast the cost or exposure of new risks.
Deloitte Center for Financial Services

A single view of risk can help drive competitive advantage

A complete geographic risk analysis solution providing insight into individual and aggregate exposure from catastrophic natural or man-made disasters in a near-real time manner.

Insurance carriers need an improved understanding of risk to manage their exposure

We offer a complete geographic risk analysis solution providing insight into individual and aggregate exposure from catastrophic natural or man-made disasters in a near-real time manner.

Capabilities include:

  • Geographical analysis and visualization of risk across the enterprise
  • Understanding of near-real time exposure and impact of catastrophe on the insurer’s book of business
  • Compliance with new risk management legislation/regulations

Insurance carriers need an improved understanding of risk to manage their exposure


Carriers are beginning to leverage technology solutions for a comprehensive risk management solution – one that helps carriers overcome siloed operational structures, IT systems and data sources to integrate information across the enterprise, ensure its quality, enrich it with third-party data – and then present a single, map-based view of operational risk in near-real-time.

Underwriters, CAT Modelers, Actuaries and other executives will be able to:

  • Increase their understanding of a policy in context to the company’s book of business
  • Better understand probable maximum loss to evaluate the impact of a catastrophe their business
  • Provide a near-real time perspective on the company’s exposure
  • Allocate post-CAT event resources
  • Enable distribution analysis for overexposed concentration of risk


"By increasing the locational accuracy, our catastrophe modeling can now produce more precise results and risk estimations for a myriad of potential perils. The improved insight and risk reporting capabilities are also helping to address EU Solvency II regulatory requirements."

Nigel Davis
Executive Director, Willis Re

  "Visualizing this important information on a map makes a world of difference…[In the past] it was difficult for our underwriters to avoid inadvertently insuring too many properties within close proximity. With MapInfo Professional ® , the exact location of a property is visually depicted so we avoid such mistakes."

Brian Haney
Vice President, Chief Actuary
James River Insurance Company

Our solution helps you identify, assess and monitor risk from the individual policy level to your aggregated book of business; it combines data management, best-in-class geocoding, address validation, data quality, data enrichment, and visualization in a single platform; and it enables you to make better operational and strategic decisions across your organization – from actuarial, underwriting, CAT modeling, risk management and distribution/marketing to executive management.

Key Recommendations:

  • Adopt an “Enterprise Data Strategy” to break down legacy siloes and leverage data across multiple lines of business.
  • Adopt an “Enterprise Data Strategy” to break down legacy siloes and leverage data across multiple lines of business.
  • Leverage GIS analytics and visualization technologies to gain greater insight into risk exposure and CAT Management.
Download White Paper A Single View of Risk – From the Policy to Complete Book of Business
Understand how risk aggregation, near-real-time visualization and analysis can change catastrophe modeling and risk management practices, and how you can better assess a policy in the context of the book-of-business; determine PML; visualize exposure; and allocate post-CAT event resources.
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Case Study